vérité ridicule

pointless blog with a pompous title.

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Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

I'll deprecate you, too, if you're not careful.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

blogging about blogging

About a year ago I started blogging. At first it was a solipsistic affair, with myself as the only known audience. At the time I had a theory that the bulk of blogs in existence are pointless piffle -- an amalgam of raging (unsubstantiated) opinion and mundane details of daily life. This still pretty much holds true. However, I have started to gain an appreciation for the genre and especially for those who do it well. I have recently discovered that some of the best blog writing comes from professional call girls! One of them is even nominated for the "Blooker Prize" (honoring authors who publish books based on their blogs).

The trouble with blogging is that most people (including myself) don't have much of interest to say. No I take that back - even the most mundane life can be interesting if written well. But how much time does any of us have to read about a stranger's weird day at the vet or vacation in Cancun. Not much, since we're busy going to the vet and Cancun ourselves.

This is where I have laid forth the challenge to myself... write an interesting blog. Something worth taking the time to read, and not simply an addition to the volumes of web chatter. Here I go then.


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